Why You Should Be Drinking Green Tea

Why You Should Be Drinking Green Tea

Green tea is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping you healthy and protecting against disease. Here are my three reasons for why you should drink tea everyday. Reason #1: Lower your cancer risk with green tea There are remarkable epidemiological studies supporting...

Your Body: The New Homeland Defense

Your Body: The New Homeland Defense

When I’m at a dinner party and people find out I’m a doctor, generally at least one person in the room will ask me for medical advice. Usually, it’s about a mysterious lump or a harmless rash. Or sometimes someone will tell me they’re convinced they have a deadly...

7 Tips For Cancer Prevention

7 Tips For Cancer Prevention

Food is a powerful resource for cancer prevention. And did you know that 40 percent of all cancer could be prevented with diet and lifestyle modifications? The choices we make when it comes to food are incredibly important for preventing, treating, and even reversing...

How to Save Your Life When Facing Cancer

How to Save Your Life When Facing Cancer

More people than ever before are surviving cancer, but a cancer diagnosis is still a very scary thing. This year in the U.S. alone, 1.7 million people will face a cancer diagnosis. When you’re diagnosed, there are many decisions to make, while emotions are swirling,...