At this point, every U.S. state has begun to reopen in some capacity. While there are substantial variations in the steps being taken by each state, the uniform move towards a re-opened country signals a major transition. With this significant shift comes more questions, one of them being, how can we safely interact with people who are not in our immediate “quaranteams” or those with whom we live?
It is certainly possible for people to begin intermingling with each other again. There is no avoiding the fact that many of us are craving normalcy and will be rejoining the world in one way or another. But for now, the rules have not changed when it comes to being in the company of others. I strongly encourage you to continue maintaining the following guidelines to best avoid ensuing spikes in COVID-19 cases:
- Wear a mask whenever you are not at home
- Keep a safe six feet away from others at all times
- Avoid direct physical contact such as hugs and handshakes
- Do not share food or drinks
- Carry hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol)
- Avoid touching your face
- Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home from outings
- Maintain a level speaking voice in public – more research is evolving around “super spreaders” and the fact that loud talking or singing may have an impact on the distance viral particles travel in the air.
Until the number of new COVID-19 cases drops dramatically and a vaccine or another effective treatment becomes widely available, everyone must maintain the preventative measures that we have come to recognize as the new normal.